Monday, January 31, 2011

Snow and cold...again.

These are the L O N G days of January and it is so easy to get caught up in the grayness of these cold, dreary days. Especially when the forecast includes a major snow storm to be followed by an arctic blast. Tempting to just hunker down all wrapped up in a blanket by the fireplace and wait for spring. But then you would miss out on the unique beauty that the Midwest offers this time of year. Glistening snowflakes, frost sculptures, vapor rising off the river early in the morning - natural works of art, that try as we might, are unable to capture or recreate.

But still, I keep attempting just that! Even though I know my camera and my skill can never record the intensity, vibrance, detail or even really convey the feeling of what I see, I give it my best shot after shot. Every once in a while I capture a photo that looks kind of cool, but still not nearly as amazing as the real thing. In a way, I think that is what makes it so beautiful, knowing that I really need to stop, look and enjoy the moment because it's only temporary. Tomorrow the canvas will be completely different and the one I see today will be gone forever.

Pretty deep - even for me!

I'll just post the pics that started this rambling train of thought, go make another pot of coffee, look out the window (my personal snow globe today :) and enjoy the beauty of the moment.

Have a great day!

Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Sweets on my mind

The holidays are over and the resolutions have been set - but my mind keeps drifting off (okay - speeding at 100mph) to sweets. Nothing in particular - just anything sweet. Could be chocolate, cookies, candy, cake... I can't stop thinking about them. It's proving to be quite challenging to get my work done, not to mention that it's blowing a major hole in my "get healthy in 2011" plan!

Here is a painting I did a while back showing what's on my mind. I was inspired by the artist Wayne Thiebaud and his amazing use of color.
If only they tasted as good as they look!