Saturday, December 18, 2010


Ah... the classes are done, it's Saturday morning and I can sleep in without a care in the world.

Except for the fact that I wake before 6:30 (that's normal alarm clock time) and can't get back to sleep because the mind is already working. Thinking of ideas for the Portfolio invitation, new identity marks, how to revise my student work to be more "professional and integrated" - eeek! 

The only problem with this is it's once again COLD! 9 degrees to be exact. We do have heat and I turned on (so lame sounding) the fireplace, but it still just feels cold!

It made me think of this old guy - Big Blue - a watercolor painting I did for a color media class a few semesters ago. For some reason, I just love this painting. Perhaps it's the shaggy hair, or the fact he's blue! At the time, I was just choosing complimentary hues and stepping way outside the box of realistic coloring.
Today, however - I'm thinking some of those poor guys outside might just be turning blue!

I have off a good amount of time before school starts back up in January - and hopefully between now and then, I will enjoy some vacation time. But not quite yet! I still have some great ideas I've just got to get down on paper before I forget!

I pray you have a blessed Christmas and a joyous New Year!

Friday, December 3, 2010

10 days - but who's counting!

First, it was years, then semesters, months, weeks - and now we are down to counting the days until my final class of the "back to school adventure"! It's hard to imagine what next semester will be like with my focus turned solely to portfolio preparation. Gasp! Granted, this is still technically a "class", but the grade at the end has a little more weight than any class assignment I've ever taken before

This Wednesday, the fall semester's portfolio students had their big Show at the Fluno Center in Madison. It was such a grand affair for several reasons. 1) Seeing fellow students and friends show off their best is exciting! 2) Madison College really knows how to put on a show! Carol and Mike did a great job of coordinating this event and the Fluno Center is beautiful. 3) Celebrating accomplishments with friends is the best. Watching them work so hard at finessing their work and then seeing them enjoy a night dedicated to this work is wonderful. 4) I also got a night away from home after 3 days with a sick child!

I remember the first Show I attended and being completely overwhelmed thinking - WOW! How did they do that? I still say WOW! - but thankfully, I now know a lot of the "hows" and am even more impressed because of that. I look forward to putting together my own personal best and celebrating with you when it's all done!

Until then - it's only 10 more days of home work!